Unlock the full project potential
of your company
with our services

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We streamline project management processes, conduct project audits and establish project management offices.

Knowledge icon.


We provide open and corporate training providing certifications and competencies at diversified levels.

Project management icon.


We delegate project managers and teams to ensure the success of our clients' projects.

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We provide smooth customization and implementation of Asana application. We provide licenses, configuration, training and technical support.

A team of employees in a team building room.
Strategy icon.


Optimization of project management proces

Based on the audit, we will adapt project management methods to the needs of the organization and the specifics of the ongoing projects. We will recommend how to optimize processes to increase the efficiency of projects, reduce risks and lower costs. This will translate into an increase in the effectiveness of ongoing projects and the ability to monitor them more precisely.


Develop competencies and advance your career,
with certified training courses

Choose our training courses if you want to become an expert in project management and improve your competence in this area. You will learn how to effectively plan project milestones, monitor progress and respond to challenges as they appear. These skills will save your time and reduce the stress associated with project management. After completing the training, participants receive a certificate.


Implementation of commissioned projects
Project management outsourcing

Effective project management

Your projects can be run with greater efficiency and effectiveness by applying industry best practices.

Reduction expenses

Outsourcing can reduce overall project management costs by eliminating the need to invest in additional resources, training and technology.

Efficiency based on experience

External knowledge and experience help you achieve goals faster and improve business results.

The best project practices

We have the latest project management technologies and methodologies that require specialized knowledge and experience that are difficult to achieve internally.

Efficient implementation of tasks

Thanks to external expertise and resources, projects can be implemented faster, which accelerates the achievement of business benefits and return on investment.

Laptop displaying data.
Web analytics icon.


Team collaboration more effective than ever

Discover the power of Asana - a tool that revolutionizes project management by allowing efficient progress monitoring, task coordination and smooth team communication. Explore the potential of Asana AI to automate routine tasks, create project summary reports and speed up decision-making processes.


Your satisfaction
is the most important to us

Nicolas Pelletier
Nicolas PelletierTokio Marine HCC
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The pmexperts team worked closely with Tokio Marine HCC's Barcelona office to implement the project management methodology and train dozens of employees in this key soft skill. The trainer was professional and energetic during his training and regularly provided us with excellent advice on a variety of ongoing projects. He was a valued consultant.
Tadeusz Szczepaniak
Tadeusz SzczepaniakDirector of the Regional Office in Krakow of the Polish Humanitarian Action Foundation
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The training staff combined high teaching skills with extensive design experience, which had a significant impact on the effectiveness of the knowledge transferred. Interactive forms of conducting classes made it possible to use the acquired knowledge in practice. Participation in training courses offered as part of the PMP® Academy by PM Experts contributed to deepening my knowledge and practice in project management.
HR Department
HR DepartmentJTI Polska Sp. z o. o
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The company is characterized by high professionalism, efficient operations and very good communication both on the client-supplier and trainer-participant levels. PM Experts Sp. z o. o. provides training for our employees in both middle and senior positions. We evaluate the training provided by the company as timely and appropriate, and knowledge is provided in a professional and accessible manner.
Jan Piotrowski
Jan PiotrowskiMember of the Management Board of VECTRA SA
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PM Experts Sp. z o. o. carried out a program to create and implement an organizational Project Management Model in the VECTRA Group. The program was conducted based on the best project and program management practices of the Project Management Institute (PMI). All projects achieved the results expected by the VECTRA Group. Their products have been transferred to operational activities and are used on an ongoing basis to achieve the group's business goals. I recommend PM Experts Sp. z o. o. as a reliable partner in the development of the organization's design maturity.
Grzegorz Trepka
Grzegorz TrepkaMarkets&Applications Specialist, Thomson Reuters
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Mój udział w pięciu modułach treningowych pozwala mi jednoznacznie stwierdzić, że przygotowane przez PM Experts zajęcia cechowały się profesjonalizmem oraz wysoką jakością merytoryczną. Dokonywane w trakcie ćwiczeń i warsztatów odniesienia do rzeczywistych case studies, dodatkowo wzbogaciły ich wartość. Metoda i forma prowadzonych zajęć były na bieżąco dostosowywane do potrzeb i oczekiwań uczestników. Obszerne materiały szkoleniowe stanowiące uzupełnienie odbytych zajęć doskonale systematyzują przekazaną wiedzę. Ich forma oraz zawartość w pełni pokrywa zakres tematyczny poruszony w szkoleniu. Bardzo wysoko oceniam także doskonałą organizację PMP® Academy od strony logistycznej.
Kacper Burtny
Kacper BurtnyCEE Project Engineer, Knauf Bełchatów Sp. z o. o
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From 2021, consultant at PM Experts Sp. z o. o. provides advisory support for one of the important development programs of our company. The consultant helped us properly define and structure the program, and also supports us as needs arise in analyzing current challenges related to it. As a program manager, I confidently recommend PM Experts Sp. z o. o
Drago Sp. z o. o
Drago Sp. z o. o
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We would like to express our thanks to PM Experts Sp. z o. o. for support in the development and implementation of the internal Drago PM project management methodology in our company. During the project, we could count on the support of a PM Experts Sp. consultant. z o. o. in every aspect of using the system. PM Experts Sp. z o. o. remains our partner in maintaining and further developing our design practice. We can count on them both in improving the individual competences of our employees and in developing good strategic management practice.
Anna Hen
Anna HenHuman Resources Manager, Employer's Representative ABB IT Sp. z o. o
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The training program met the organization's needs in terms of preparing employees for PMP® certification. The training was conducted at a high substantive level with great involvement of the Trainers. The scope of topics and the level of training implementation met our expectations. Thanks to the flexibility and high level of professionalism of the instructors, we were able to tailor the program to our needs, which was extremely important to us.
Chairman of the Board
Chairman of the BoardSkarbiec Holding SA
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On behalf of Skarbiec Holding SA, I would like to express my thanks to PM Experts Sp. z o. o., for cooperation in the implementation of the "Skarbiec 24" and "CRM system implementation" projects. Thanks to the experience and extensive knowledge of project management, the above-mentioned projects are carried out effectively in a professional and orderly manner. Using the latest knowledge and proven practices.

They trusted us


Let's talk about
your project

Delivering projects more efficiently and without unnecessary complications? Contact us and let's talk about solutions for your company.

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