2nd Edition of the Expert Project

Pmexperts expert project.

On October 20, together with Euro26, we are organizing the second edition of project management workshops.

W wydarzeniu mogą brać udział wszystkie osoby w wieku 18-29, które chcą poznać praktyczną stronę project management proces oraz przekonają nas, że to właśnie im przydadzą się takie umiejętności.

What future project managers will be able to learn:

  • how to choose the best design among others
  • how to define a goal and plan work
  • tools for effective project management
  • mechanisms operating during project implementation

What do you need to do?

Send us short information about yourself (max. 1 A4 page)!
Tell us who you are, what you do, what your professional plans are or what types of projects you would like to implement someday. Send your application to: rekrutacja@projektekspert.pl
We are waiting for applications until October 5!

More information: http://www.projektekspert.pl/

Join the event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2108183879226091/

PM DOS PROJEKT EKSPERT is organized under the Project Management Day of Service brand, promoted by Project Management for Change (pm4change), an organization from the USA that has successfully introduced a similar formula in the USA and Australia.

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