PMI® Authorized Training Partner accreditation for PM Experts

Pmi authorized training partner.

We have the honor to inform you that in addition to the over 15-year relationship between the Project Management Institute and PM Experts Sp. z o. o., we were awarded the prestigious PMI® Authorized Training Partner (ATP) accreditation in March 2021. Thanks to it, our clients will have the opportunity to participate in original, accredited PMI® project management training leading to the prestigious PMP® and Disciplined Agile certifications.

Aktywny udział PM Experts Sp. z o. o. w programie PMI® ATP zapewni uczestnikom naszych szkoleń dostęp do najaktualniejszych materiałów szkoleniowych publikowanych przez PMI®, oficjalnych próbnych testów związanych z certyfikatami PMP® i Discplined Agile oraz jak zawsze, najwyższej jakości trenerów, praktyków project management proces, z osobistą akredytacją trenerską nadawaną przez PMI®.

Thanks to the new partnership formula with PMI®, we will soon present you with new training programs and consulting services that will support the practical application of the most innovative solutions in the area of project management.

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