Project management methodologies

Mature project organizations are distinguished, among other things, by the fact that they have adapted and implemented project management methods, commonly known as methodologies. They are usually created as a result of inspiration from international project management standards, although they should be carefully adapted to the organization's environment.

We will design and implement a project management methodology adapted to the characteristics of your company

By organizational project management methodology we mean: a set of processes, procedures and tools describing how a project is managed in an organization from the idea stage, through its initiation, planning, implementation, control and closure along with the transfer of results. The starting point for creating a methodology is: results of project maturity testing, learning about the organization's operating culture, its industry specificity and guidelines of selected global project management standards. We create and implement both classic and agile project management methods. It happens that within one organization we implement several methodologies that are consciously used depending on the specificity of a given project.

Explore the benefits of implementing a dedicated project management methodology

The methodology, adapted to the specific nature of the client's operation, is implemented with the participation of our consultants through simulations and participation in pilot projects.

We also audit already implemented methodologies, indicating areas and ways of optimizing them.


Improve the efficiency and predictability of project implementation.


Organizing project activities according to a consistent method - indicating a unified project management path to managers, sponsors, clients and project team members.


Control over resources - the ability to implement more projects based on the same pool of resources.


Increasing the competitiveness of the organization through the possibility of implementing projects faster, cheaper and more effectively than the competition.

Author's Methodologies
Project Management

Years of experience in designing and implementing project management methodologies have resulted
to create our own methodologies, which we dedicate to selected clients

Flower icon.

PM Base

A project management methodology dedicated to small and medium-sized organizations.

crown icon.

PM Advanced

A project management methodology dedicated to large organizations.

Diamond icon.

PM Pro

A project management methodology dedicated to organizations managing programs and project portfolios.


Let's Start
The Transformation
Of Your Project

Do you want your projects to be implemented more effectively, efficiently and without unnecessary complications? Our team of experts is ready to take your company to a new level of project management.

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