"Courage flows from a book, a book helps life..."

Courage flows from the book, the book helps life.

This is a special day. On this day in 1913, the iconic Highbury Stadium, which for over 90 years was the stronghold of London's Arsenal Football Club, opened its gates. Roger Waters, one of the longtime leaders of the cult group Pink Floyd, was born on this day. On that day, the famous Oscar-winning film "La Strada” Federico Fellini. And this day - September 6 - probably not by accident, PMI® chose as the day of the world premiere of the sixth version of "A guide to the project management body of knowledge PMBOK® GUIDE” in 2017.

The entire industry community is eagerly awaiting the new PMI® publication and, therefore, inspiration from new standards, which, according to the authors (dozens of practitioners and experts representing various application industries), are intended to make our design life more predictable and the projects will turn out to be a series of constant (although of course ending, like every project) successes.

Waiting for September 6 what we can already see on the PMI® website is a summary of the main changes brought by the new standard. Here they are:

  1. A separate chapter devoted to the role of the project manager, developing the concept of the PMI® competence triangle (technical, leadership and strategic-business competencies).
  2. Two knowledge areas are renamed Project Time Management to Project Schedule Management and Project HR Management to Project Resource Management.
  3. New sections will appear in each of the chapters devoted to knowledge areas – Key Concepts, Trends and Emerging Practices, Tailoring Considerations, Considerations for Agile/Adaptive Environments.
  4. A stronger emphasis will be placed on strategic issues and general business knowledge, along with considerations on project management business documents.
  5. Separate agile practices supplement.

We are looking forward to the debut of the new standard, and we invite our customers to order the first copies "PMBOK 6th Edition". We can expect an English version in September, and in October in the other 10 official PMI® languages. The date of publication of the official Polish version is not known to us yet. We wish everyone an easy, pleasant and, most importantly, fruitful reading.

*title of the entry taken from the text by Konstanty Ildefons Gałczyński "A Song about a Book".


Author: Piotr Plewiński

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