Project Expert – third edition

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We invite you to participate in the third edition of the Ekspert Project organized by pmexperts and euro26. Projekt Ekspert is a very practical workshop introducing the world of project management, addressed to people aged 18-26.

Spotkanie, które poprowadzą konsultanci pmexperts, odbędzie się 30 marca 2019 r. w Warszawie, a już tradycyjnie uczestników ugości Startberry –  przedstrzeń dedykowana startupom. Celem warsztatu jest przekazanie podstawowych umiejętności związanych z zarządzaniem projektami i wykorzystywaniu tej wiedzy w praktyce. Uczestników czeka spotkanie niezwykle intensywne i bardzo praktyczne –  fachowa wiedza od certyfikowanych trenerów z międzynarodowym doświadczeniem, praca w małych 4-5 osobowych grupach pod opieką naszych konsultantów, liczne case studies, a także szansa na wygranie nagrody!

Workshop participants will learn:
  • how to choose a design from competing ideas;
  • how to correctly define the project goal and plan work appropriately;
  • what tools to use to effectively manage the project.

Traditionally, anyone who wants to learn how to manage projects and has ideas for implementing their own projects or already coordinates them can apply to the Expert Project. To register your participation, please send short information about yourself (max. 1 A4 page) by March 10, 2019 to the following address:, describing yourself, your activity and professional plans, as well as those related to the implementation of projects. Detailed recruitment rules are available at Project website.

Detailed information about the Expert Project:

Project Management Day of Service:

The Expert project is carried out as part of the Project Management Day of Service - a US-based initiative that brings together project managers from various parts of the world sharing their knowledge of project management pro bono. The mission of the organization promoting it – Project Management for Change – is to unleash the potential in future and current Project Managers. Project Manager is the profession of the future, therefore sharing knowledge and modern solutions are the first priority in the project. In Poland, the initiative is implemented by pmexperts and the Polish Youth Projects Association (publisher of the Euro26 card).

Report from previous editions:

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