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PMNetwork poster.

Wielokrotnie podczas szkoleń z cyklu Akademii PMP® spotykam się z pytaniami o znaczenie certyfikatu. Czy warto go mieć? Czy rzeczywiście może on pomóc w zawodowej karierze? Odpowiadając na te pytania, staram się zawsze uczciwie przedstawić moim kursantom różne możliwe scenariusze dla ich kariery zawodowej. Wielu pracodawców, nie tylko w Polsce, może ciągle nie mieć jeszcze świadomości tego, czym jest i co potwierdza certyfikat Project Management Professional (PMP®). Mimo to, jeżeli planujesz rozwój kariery zawodowej w obszarze project management proces, to będzie on istotnym krokiem na tej ścieżce kariery.

Arguments "for" can be provided by browsing job offers on popular websites. More and more often, advertisements include the requirement for formal confirmation of competences in the form of a certificate. The training participants themselves often come with examples taken from real life. One of them, who was preparing for the exam as part of our PMP® Academy this year, did so with a clearly defined goal of working in the construction industry in the Persian Gulf. "I know from my colleagues who have been working there for years that having PMP® is a must to be able to interview for employment in this area of the world."

Authors of texts published in industry magazines also share interesting experiences. In particular, I was very impressed by the article published in the June issue of PMNetwork®. Its author is the director of the "program and project management" area at a London employment agency. In her text, she presents recommendations for people at various stages of their careers. For example, he advises a project coordinator with over twenty years of experience: Your experience will be perceived by potential employers as informal. (…) The first thing you need is to gain formal experience in project management and PMP® certification.

Taking the PMP® exam requires meeting formal criteria, good knowledge of the A Guide to Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®) standard and adequate preparation for the 4-hour test.. However, the path to certification may be easier or more difficult. It is worth preparing under the supervision of project management practitioners who have been certified themselves, in a group of equally determined and mutually supportive people. This is exactly what it offers PMP® Academy, so we encourage you to prepare with us.

Author: Maciej Krupa

See the PMP Academy program and schedule®

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