PMP® ONLINE exam – a guide to the new form of the PMP® exam

PMP certification exam.

Nowa rzeczywistość przeniosła nas do świata online. Wszyscy dostosowujemy się do przeniesienia swoich aktywności do sieci, ale czy wiedzieliście, że teraz możecie także zdobyć najbardziej prestiżowy certyfikat project management proces, czyli PMP® nie wychodząc z domu? Project Management Institute wychodzi nam naprzeciw i wprowadza certyfikację PMP Online! Ale jak to wygląda w szczegółach? Przeczytajcie poniższy przewodnik i przygotujcie się z nami do egzaminu, który zmieni oblicze Waszej kariery! 😊
Let's start from the beginning…

What is PMP® Certification?

The Project Management Professional (PMP®) certification is the world's most recognized project management certification program. The PMP® exam is conducted in English, in the form of a test conducted in PMI®-approved examination centers, and now also online. To be able to approach it, you need to have specific experience in design work. Maintaining PMP® certification requires collecting 60 PDUs every 3 years.

What do I need to take the PMP® certification?

If you do not yet have PMP® certification and are planning to obtain such a title, you must acquire substantive knowledge in the field of project management during training. To take the exam in the training room, you will have to spend 35 hours during which you will learn how to manage a project within the triangle of constraints, i.e. scope, time and budget. You will learn to plan a schedule, manage stakeholders, communication, and a project team. If you want to gain comprehensive knowledge needed to pass the exam, check out our comprehensive training series preparing for PMP® certification - PMP® Academy  is an effective way to prepare for certification.

What are PDUs?

PDUs, i.e. Professional Development Units, are points of professional development and correspond to units of time that the participant devoted to developing his or her project management skills.

How to register for the PMP® ONLINE exam?

To take the PMP® ONLINE exam, you must register on the website Each candidate must register independently. During registration, you will be asked to provide your professional experience in project management gained over 8 years. This information may be required depending on your education.

Once the registration form is correctly completed, you have 12 months to take the PMP® exam - you can use the online option or the traditional exam. The Project Management Institute verifies your application (it can, for example, confirm the correctness of the information provided with your employer).

How much is the examination fee?

Once PMI has confirmed your registration application, you must pay the exam fee. The cost of taking the PMP exam ranges from 405$ to 555$ depending on whether you are a PMI member or not.

Exam date

The advantage of the exam option PMP® online version is the fact that you can approach him at any time! Exams take place 24/7 and you can find the appropriate exam date for yourself in the myPMI -> Review Application Status tab.

What do I need to take the PMP® exam online?

To take the exam you just need:

  • Computer with a webcam
  • Internet access
  • A quiet place where no one will disturb you for a few hours

You are ready to take the exam

The exam takes place under the supervision of an examiner who observes the course of your exam via a webcam. The language of the exam is English, but you can also have the exam questions translated into Polish. The exam is conducted in the form of a computer test, using the Prometric system. The first 15 minutes of the exam are devoted to using the application.

When will I receive my PMP exam results?®?

You will receive your exam results as soon as you complete the exam!

As you can see, the PMP® certification option has never been easier 😊. Nothing stands in the way of you gaining new professional qualifications in the form of a PMP® certificate now. And if you still have any doubts, please contact us, we will be happy to help you.

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