PMI Authorized PMP Exam Preparation

Man marking an answer on a test.

Preparation for the PMP® exam

Certainly, anyone who plans to obtain a certificate confirming their professional competences or intends to take an exam granting them certain qualifications would like to prepare well for such an exam. He would undoubtedly want to have good materials, perhaps take a preparatory course, and would certainly like to know sample exam questions.

To meet these expectations, PMI has prepared a completely new, five-day authorized course preparing for the PMP exam.

What are the most important advantages of the new course?

1. Full compliance of the course content with ECO [Project Management Professional (PMP®) Examination Content Outline].

If someone has read or even looked through ECO carefully, they have certainly noticed that the structure of the PMP exam and the list of issues that you need to know when preparing for the exam differ significantly from the structure of the PMBOK Guide. This does not mean, of course, that PMBOK has become useless as one of the sources of knowledge, but finding specific information on the "domains" described in ECO or developing individual "tasks" or "enabling factors" is very difficult. The content of the course directly refers to the individual tasks mentioned by ECO. At the beginning of each lesson, we can see how its content relates to individual tasks within a given field. As a result, there is no task or enabler that remains unexplained.

2. Access to training materials.

Training materials, which include a manual, presentations and additional materials (templates, sample documents, etc.) are made available to each participant directly through PMI via the appropriate portal. Thanks to this, the training participant has access to the materials even in the event of technical problems that make contact with the trainer difficult. There is no need to send large files, and there is no opportunity to make a mistake when selecting materials. As I mentioned in the previous section, the participant's manual clearly indicates which tasks a given part of the course covers.

3. Sample exam questions.

The course participant's manual itself contains a large pool of sample exam questions. This is an unprecedented situation, as previously there were no official sample questions or mock exams. We are therefore sure that the sample questions come from the same source as the questions we will face in the exam. This is even more important because a very important part of preparing for the PMP exam is solving a large number (at least several hundred) of questions.

4. 35 PDUs

Due to its volume, the training gives participants 35 PDUs, which is exactly the amount needed to take the PMP exam. Therefore, participants do not have to look for any additional training to meet the formal requirements.

It cannot be denied that the proposed training is a breakthrough solution i z pewnością usatysfakcjonuje wszystkich, którzy w krótkim czasie chcieliby przygotować się do egzaminu PMP. Należy oczywiście pamiętać, że przygotowanie do egzaminu jest jego głównym celem, a przy tak jasnym przeznaczeniu nie można się po nim spodziewać zbyt wielu przykładów praktycznego zastosowania wiedzy oraz odniesień do praktycznego project management proces. Jeśli więc ktoś chce przede wszystkim przygotować się do egzaminu, jest to propozycja dla niego.

“Preparation for the PMP® exam” is the last of five modules of our “PMP® Academy” program.

Author of the article: Arkadiusz Urbański

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