Prepare with us for the PMP® exam

Preparation for the PMP exam.

The beginning of a new year is for most of us a very good time to summarize our knowledge and set goals - for example, consolidating competences, strengthening our position on the labor market, or obtaining a PMP® certificate. This is a new opening, so we encourage project managers to prepare for the exam and plan its date at the beginning of the year.

Although there are various strategies to prepare for the exam, PMI Poland Chapter recommends participation in preparatory training conducted by training companies with the PMI REP status. Like this The oldest training on the market is the PMP® Academy, which we have been organizing for almost 15 years, in five modules, covering in depth all areas of knowledge described in the PMBOK® Guide. The summarizing training is "Preparation for the PMP exam" - which can also be completed without previously participating in other Academy modules..

The next training will take place on the weekend of February 2-3, 2019 in Warsaw, so it is an ideal solution for people who prefer weekend formula. Podczas tego dwudniowego spotkania, prowadzonego przez doskonałych trenerów będących praktykami project management proces all issues related to passing the PMP® exam are discussed:

  • starting with an overview of the PMBOK® Guide knowledge areas and typical test questions,
  • by discussing the basic types of exam questions (and methods of eliminating incorrect answers),
  • to consolidating English terminology and the application process.

At the end, participants can test their knowledge in PMP® mock exam.

See the full training program and register

Find out more about the practical side of taking the exam in our article Knowledge Zone.

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