Scope, Schedule and Cost Management

During the Scope, Schedule and Cost Management training, we present in detail methods for coordinating the three main project constraints: scope, schedule and costs. Each of them should be precisely defined at the planning stage and then monitored on an ongoing basis.

Scope defines what we want to achieve by implementing the project. Its accurate definition is the first and basic condition for the project's success. Schedule wskazuje, w jakim czasie poszczególne prace projektu powinny zostać ukończone. Opóźnienia to trudność, z którą zmaga się każdy kierownik projektu, dlatego kontrolowanie postępów jest kluczowym elementem zarządzania projektem. Budget sets financial limits for individual project phases. Changes in this area can be difficult to predict, so it is important to monitor and manage changes in the budget.

Authorized Training Partner PMI logo.

Scope, Schedule and Cost Management

Main training objectives

  • Preparation for effective identification and approval of requirements project to precisely define its scope and meet stakeholder expectations.
  • Thorough practicing the process of creating a work breakdown structure (WBS) and discussing the results with the leader and the group.
  • Strengthening competences in the field estimating the duration of tasks and creating and analyzing the schedule project, which allows avoid delays.
  • Presentation of methods cost estimation and budgeting project that help you plan effectively and control expenses.
  • Familiarization with tools to measure the degree of project implementation.
  • Conducting a project simulation with an emphasis on scope, schedule and cost planning and managing changes in this area.

This training is recommended for

  • Project managers who want to systematize knowledge.
  • Management staff supervising projects.
  • Beginning project managers.
  • Members of project teams.
  • Candidates to obtain PMP®/CAPM® certification.

Training program

Day 1

  1. Team project planning.
  2. Defining and approving project requirements - rules and tools.
  3. Project scope planning based on stakeholder requirements.
  4. Project scope declaration.
  5. Building a work breakdown structure (WBS).
  6. Types of WBS, WBS dictionary, work package.
  7. Defining activities in the project.
  8. Techniques for estimating the duration and costs of activities.
  9. Creating a project schedule – trends and practices.
  10. Network diagrams, Gantt chart and milestones.

Day 2

  1. Budgeting techniques for the project and its individual phases.
  2. Planning project schedule and financial reserves.
  3. Time estimation and task synchronization – critical path technique.
  4. Rolling planning, reserve analysis, PERT method, KANBAN board.
  5. Project implementation indicators - earned value assessment.
  6. Change management – deviations in cost estimate and schedule.
  7. Completion of the project in terms of scope, schedule and costs.

After completing the training participants

  • They can clarify the scope of the project, to dprovide a product that exactly meets your needs stakeholders.
  • They have tools to accurately determine the duration of tasks i can minimize the risk of delays on the schedule.
  • They know budgeting and expense control techniques and they know how manage changes in the area of costs.
  • They own training completion certificate with an accredited PMI® partner.

Languages and locations

We provide Scope, Schedule and Cost Management training in: in the Polish language and English, in the form of online and stationary in Warsaw, Gdańsk, Wrocław, Kraków, Poznań. In our project management training, we focus on handover practical tools and knowledge supported by experience. We also organize closed training courses at the individual request of the organization, adapting the location and scope to the client's needs.

Scope, Schedule and Cost Management training also includes II module of the PMP® Academy – copyright a program that thoroughly prepares you for the role of an effective project manager. Join the Academy if you want to learn to use the best global practices. You will learn more about the Academy here.


Training sessions are confirmed 14 days before the scheduled date. If the minimum number of participants is not met, the training may be rescheduled or canceled. Participants who have already paid can choose a new date or receive a refund.

Organization of online training

Szkolenia online realizowane są na platformie komunikacyjnej Microsoft Teams.

Participants will receive a detailed schedule of meeting hours in individual organizational messages.


  • No later than 7 days before the start of the training, participants will receive individual organizational messages to the e-mail address provided during registration, containing:
    • Potwierdzenie terminu realizacji szkolenia
    • Informacje o godzinach realizacji poszczególnych spotkań
    • Informacje o platformie komunikacyjnej, na której będzie realizowane szkolenie
    • Linki i hasła, niezbędne do zalogowania na poszczególne spotkania
  • Po szkoleniu uczestnicy otrzymają materiały szkoleniowe na podany przy rejestracji adres e-mail
  • W ciągu 3 dni roboczych od ukończenia szkolenia uczestnicy otrzymają certyfikaty potwierdzające ukończenie szkolenia w formacie PDF na podany przy rejestracji adres e-mail
  • UWAGA: Prosimy o weryfikację skrzynki SPAM, jeśli nie otrzymają Państwo wiadomości w podanym terminie


  • Podczas szkolenia zapewniamy uczestnikom przerwy kawowe oraz lunch
  • W przypadku specjalnych potrzeb żywieniowych, prosimy o informację przy rejestracji na szkolenie, abyśmy mogli dostarczyć lunch dostosowany do diety uczestników
  • No later than 7 days before the start of the training, participants will receive organizational messages to the e-mail address provided during registration, containing:
    • Potwierdzenie terminu realizacji szkolenia
    • Dane adresowe sali szkoleniowej
    • Potwierdzenie godzin trwania zajęć oraz przerw
    • Szczegóły dotyczące lunchu
  • W ciągu 3 dni roboczych od ukończenia szkolenia uczestnicy otrzymają certyfikaty potwierdzające ukończenie szkolenia w formacie PDF na podany przy rejestracji adres e-mail
  • UWAGA: Prosimy o weryfikację skrzynki SPAM, jeśli nie otrzymają Państwo wiadomości w podanym terminie

Who conducts the training?

The experts conducting the training are practitioners with many years of experience in project management. Thanks to this, the information they provide goes far beyond what can be read in books. They support the presented knowledge with real examples from design life.

What accreditation does this training have?

The pmexperts Scope, Schedule and Cost Management training is accredited by the Project Management Institute (PMI®) under the Partnership Agreement and meets the accreditation requirements.

Can I change the training date after purchase?

Yes, the date of the purchased training can be changed no later than 2 weeks before the planned training.

Are there any requirements for participating in the training?

There are no requirements that must be met before participating in the training. However, Scope, Schedule and Cost Management is a training course during which we delve into a specific area of project management, which is why we recommend that participants with little experience complete the Project Management in Organizations training first.

Will I receive a certificate after completing the training?

You will receive a certificate of completion of training from an accredited PMI partner.

Is it possible to get a discount for a group of people from the same organization?

To receive an individual offer for the group, contact us by e-mail:

Is it possible to participate in online training from a country other than Poland?

Yes, participants from outside Poland can also take part in online training. We provide training in Polish and English.


From PLN 1,750 net

Select the place and date of the training

Lowest price from the last 30 days: 1.750,00 
Intermediate level
Duration: 16 hours
PDUs: 16
Certificate: PMI® ATP

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