Salary level of project managers in the world

Money bundle.

2017 was full of interesting PMI® publications. One of them is the tenth edition of the global report on the level of remuneration of project managers, i.e. "Earning Power". This is one of the few sources that gives us insight into global trends in this area. It contains data collected from 33,000 respondents, representing as many as 37 countries, including, interestingly, Poland for the third time. The report includes 457 respondents from the country on the Vistula River (for comparison, the USA was represented by 10,937 project managers, China 758, Hong Kong 231, Germany 992, and, for example, there is no data from Russia).

PMI® publishes the "Earning power" report every two years. Globally, as many as 70% respondents answered that their earnings had increased over the last year (yes, the question was about the last year, not the last two years). As many as 26% respondents recorded an increase in salary exceeding 5%. What PMI® highlights, The median salary of project managers with a PMP® (Project Management Professional) certificate is globally as much as 23% higher than that measured for uncertified managers. This perfectly justifies the investment in this prestigious international certification, at least from the perspective of the project manager.

The report is quite extensive (321 pages), so we will present its results in several entries in our knowledge zone. At the beginning, let's focus on data on a global scale, in the next episodes we will present data collected in Poland.

In the ranking, which takes into account the median salary, the podium is as follows:

  1. Switzerland – $130,966 (PLN 435,579.82*)
  2. United States – $112,000 (PLN 372,500.80*)
  3. Australia – $108,593 (PLN 361,169.46*)

These are quite interesting sums, and remember that they are medians. It is worth adding that Australia closes the list of countries that can boast a six-digit result.

Poland took 25th place on the list of 37 countries with a result of $40.117, ahead of countries such as: Türkiye, China, India and Nigeria. Egypt is last on the list with a $10.159.

Among our group rivals at the next FIFA World Cup, we are in second place, just behind Japan, ahead of Colombia ($62,930 and $30,600) and unclassified Senegal.

We keep our fingers crossed for our representatives, and in our next entry we will take a closer look at the data collected by PMI® in Poland.

*Conversion according to the dollar exchange rate according to the average NBP exchange rate from February 15, 2018

Author: Piotr Plewiński

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