Why is it worth learning project management via e-learning?

Advantages of e-learning.

Remote training is now a key method of acquiring knowledge and improving competences. Not only the pandemic, but also the development of technology and the pace of modern life make us increasingly choose e-learning as a form of education. You can find many courses on the Internet that allow you to learn new skills, but can you learn project management remotely? Of course! Read below why it is worth and why you should improve your competences in project management using e-learning.

We are all surrounded by projects

No matter what stage of your career you are in or what position you hold, you certainly have to deal with projects. Implementing new products, advertising campaigns, building programs or applications, or modernizing the company's logistics - all this is related to project management. Did you know that only about 30% projects in the world are successful? In a huge number of cases, projects are not completed or deviate from the assumed time, scope and budget. Improving your project management skills can be a key factor in achieving professional success. Thanks to e-learning courses, you can quickly gain knowledge that will help you increase your effectiveness in life and work.

Project managers are needed in every industry

Project management to prężnie rozwijająca się dziedzina zarządzania, która wymagana jest bez względu na gałąź biznesu, w jakiej pracujesz lub chcesz pracować. Ze względu na wzrost dojrzałości projektowej w organizacjach, co raz większą rolę odgrywa rola kierownika projektu, a w dużych organizacjach tworzone są wręcz osobne Biura Zarządzania Projektami (PMO). Projekty prowadzone sprawnie, według określonej metodyki i zastosowaniem specjalistycznej dokumentacji projektowej mają większe prawdopodobieństwo zakończenia się w określonym czasie, zakresie i budżecie, a co za tym idzie przyczyniają się do rentowności przedsiębiorstw.

E-learning is an easy way to change your career path or get a new job

Learning project management and improving your competences in this area is not only future planning of your professional career, but also a necessity if we want to achieve business success regardless of the industry. Thanks to the wide availability of online training and e-learning courses, access to project management knowledge is easy and adapted to the lifestyle of a busy specialist or anyone planning to change their career path. E-learning courses such as Fundamentals of Project Management In just two hours, you can acquire key competencies needed for effective project management and obtain the international, prestigious PMI REP® certificate. And it can be a valuable element of the CV of anyone who would like to achieve professional success.

Project Managers earn more

PMI (Project Management Institute) - the most important organization in the world dealing with the education of project managers, prepares an annual report on the earnings of PMs with the PMP title. Their survey shows that almost three quarters of project managers -72%, taking part in the survey reported that their total remuneration (including salary, bonuses, bonuses and other forms of remuneration) had increased in the last 12 months before completing the survey. More than a quarter –28% respondents provided information that their remuneration increased by at least 5%. [Project Management Salary Survey—Eleventh Edition (2020][and].

Webinars and coaching meetings will make it easier for you to succeed

If you deal with projects every day, you know that communication is the key to the success of every good project manager. However, what if you have no one to consult with on a given design issue that may determine the success of your project? Take advantage of virtual consultations with project managers with international experience. By taking advantage of e-learning courses at PM Experts, you also have a unique opportunity not only to gain reliable knowledge on how to manage projects, but also the opportunity to discuss your questions, doubts or issues that may require consultation with an expert with many years of experience.

When you are preparing for the project management certification exam, you may encounter technical questions that are difficult to answer. You can take advantage of a webinar with a trainer on a specific topic, e.g. schedule or budget, and ask about the issues that interest you.

However, if you would like to discuss a specific situation regarding your professional situation, you can always arrange a personal, virtual meeting with a trainer, during which you will focus only on your case. 

Webinars are a live virtual meeting using an e-learning platform adapted for remote learning. Before the meeting, you receive a link that you click at the agreed time and this takes you to a virtual room where you will meet other participants and the Trainer. During the meeting, you can ask the expert questions and discuss your doubts. Meetings are held in a narrow group of people, usually with approximately 15 participants. You also have a chat at your disposal, where you can ask questions or talk to other webinar participants. Coaching meetings take place after prior individual arrangement. The trainer then sets aside time just for you and is able to discuss in detail the issue or project you are currently dealing with.  

Why is it worth taking part in e-learning courses?

  • To esencja wiedzy, która pozwala Ci w krótkim czasie pozyskać informacje niezbędne do podniesienia swoich kompetencji w zarządzaniu projektami,
  • Dzięki elastyczności szkolenia, możesz ukończyć kurs w dowolnym dla siebie czasie, miejscu i na dowolnym urządzaniu mobilnym,
  • W mniej niż 2 godziny jesteś w stanie uzyskać prestiżowy i międzynarodowy certyfikat potwierdzający Twoją zdolność zarządzania projektami – PMI REP®.

Why is it worth taking part in the webinar?

  • To świetna okazja do przedyskutowania swoich pytań lub wątpliwości z ekspertami o międzynarodowym, wieloletnim doświadczeniu w zarządzaniu projektami;
  • udział w webinarium może pozwolić Ci na poukładanie wiedzy, uzupełnienie informacji i lepsze przygotowanie do certyfikacji;
  • spotkania mają żywy, interaktywny i pełen inspiracji charakter;
  • to bogate źródło eksperckiej wiedzy dostosowanej specjalnie dla Ciebie;
  • webinarium to idealna okazja dla osób, które dysponują niewielką ilością czasu, a chcą jak najszybciej uzyskać wartościową wiedzę;
  • dzięki udziale w webinarium zwiększasz swoją szansę na sukces zawodowy i inspirację do rozwoju swojej kariery.

As you can see, e-learning courses are the perfect solution if you want to quickly acquire new skills, improve your competences, increase your value on the labor market and be more successful.


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