Poco a poco – development of project management culture

Illustration of trees.

Zaprojektowanie i wdrożenie metodyki project management proces to też PROJEKT. I to z tych trudniejszych. Związanych ze zmianami, które dotykają DNA organizacji. Jej dotychczasowych sposobów działania, nawyków nagromadzonych przez lata, postaw ludzkich, czy nawet ukonstytuowanej przez lata struktury władzy.

Since the beginning of our activity (2004), we have observed an increase in awareness of the importance of project management among pmexperts clients. Both for the pace of their development, the effectiveness of strategic activities, and increasing the level of competitiveness, profitability and company value. The appetite for organizational improvement in project management is proportionally increasing. “If it's so important, let's do it quickly,” decision-makers seem to demand. As in every project, we are constantly pressed for schedule and quick results.

And yes, it is extremely important to start taking action NOW, not to delay. Especially in today's dynamic business environment. At the same time, however, it is worth remembering that these types of changes take time. Just like in sports - before we start breaking our personal records in the marathon, let's start by improving our technique, pace and level of satisfaction by running short distances. Otherwise, we may suffer a permanent injury, which, when transferred to the business world, may mean failure on an important project, lower team motivation, or loss of faith in the sense of building a project management culture in our company.
An interesting inspiration for these considerations may be the observations of business rhythm that we made during our first consulting experiences in Spain. "Poco a Poco", or "small steps forward", is a quite common approach in everyday life here. It concerns many aspects of life that we do not have space to write about in detail here, but also effective organizational changes. And although it sounds perverse, also the concept of "quick fashion", effectively implemented and promoted by Inditex and Desigual.

The principle of small steps is perfect for building a project management culture, and this is what we will write about in our autumn series on project management optimization. The first step we encourage is (as in every project) a strong business justification and definition of the goals that we would like to achieve by investing in a project management culture. In the next entry, we will provide examples of business justification and goals set by exemplary pmexperts clients.

Author: Piotr Plewiński

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