Which project management training should I choose?

zarzadzanie projektami jakie szkolenie wybrac

Project management to dziedzina, która zajmuje się usprawnianiem prowadzenia przedsięwzięć w organizacjach każdego typu. Przedsięwzięcia są oczywiście bardzo różnorodne, tak jak i bardzo różnorodne są organizacje, w których pracujemy. Z tego powodu często pojawia się pytanie, jakie szkolenie z zarządzania projektami wybrać

What is a project for an organization?

To put it briefly, the goal of every project is to create something new or modify something existing. It may be, for example, a new product, a new type of activity or a new version of the product, or a change in the organizational structure. Of course, we always want our projects to be as effective and efficient as possible. This is what project management does, but for it to be effective, it is important to choose the right methods. 

The most common problem for novice project managers

People appointed to run projects often have no formal preparation in this area. Superiors often select people as project managers according to the thematic key. They do not always take into account that a newly appointed project manager will have to combine the efforts of other employees. It often happens that they are chosen this way coordinators are guided by their intuition, but they lack substantive preparation in project management

This can be effective to some extent. However, the experience of many organizations shows that knowing the principles of project management allows you to avoid many mistakes. Many times during training, I have found that even experienced project managers benefit greatly from our project management training. They have a chance systematize knowledge using best practices, that we pass on.

Best practices in project management

Best practices, in other words, recommendations based on the experience of over 5 generations of project managers. Over the years, they have been tested in real situations and improved to reflect the needs of real projects. They constitute the basis for all standards and methodologies we use during project management training. If you want to organize your personal practice, you can choose from a wide range of training courses for project managers, focusing on developing specific skills. First of all, we offer them as part of the PMP® Academy based on PMI® (Project Management Institute) standards.

Comprehensive project management training

PMP® Academy is a series of training courses aimed at building high project manager competences. We start the series with training "Managing projects in organizations". It focuses on participants' understanding of the most important aspects of project work and its conscious management. Together we go through the generic (or natural) phases of the project: pre-project, initiating, planning, implementing, monitoring and controlling, closing and post-project. Our goal is to make participants aware of formal and informal mechanisms influencing the project's success. We practice the use of basic tools, the so-called artifacts. 

The first module of the PMP® Academy certainly allows participants to systematize their approach to project management and introduce the first improvements. However, this is only the beginning of our common journey. Following it further, we go deeper into individual areas covered by good practices recommended by PMI®. While second module we learn to precisely define the scope of the project, master its schedule and costs. IN module three We explore a conscious approach to risk management and the challenges in the area of quality and procurement for the project. Module four we dedicate to Power Skills, i.e. the skills of working with people involved in the project. 

Find out more about the PMP® Academy and develop your project manager competences

Training preparing for the PMP® exam

Typically, the group that jointly participates in the entire PMP® Academy meets monthly for 2-day "meetings". This is an opportunity to exchange of experiences between participants and mutual mobilization for those who want to take the Project Management Professional (PMP)® exam. Additional training is dedicated to this group of project managers PMP® PREP, which we implement as a PMI® partner in accordance with the program and based on the Institute's materials. 

Ideally, this should be an intensive five-day review of the material shortly before the exam, along with discussion of sample exam questions. However, please note that Taking the PMP® exam requires completing the required formalities. An example is having an appropriate length of experience in managing projects. Therefore, it is worth planning the preparation process for certification well in advance. 

If you do not yet have sufficient experience for PMP® certification, you can still successfully take part in the four modules of the PMP® Academy. Remember that your group will include people with different work experience and from different industries. Everyone will learn something new or organize their knowledge and improve their skills. Everyone also brings their own experiences and questions to the training, which others can also benefit from. 

Project management – certified training

People looking for the possibility of confirming their knowledge in the field of project management with a certificate can also choose others internationally recognized training, based on methodologies PRINCE2® be AgilePM®. In both cases, these trainings are aimed at preparing for certification. This means that we focus less on practical exercises and instead we go through mock exams together. In the case of both methodologies, we have two levels of Foundation and Practitioner certification, corresponding to different levels of advancement in project management. 

Exam PRINCE2® Foundation is to confirm knowledge of the entire methodology. Three days of training are dedicated to getting to know it. Meanwhile, the exam AgilePM® Foundation focuses on the basics of the DSDM approach (Dynamic Systems Development Method) and the training lasts only two days. 

In both cases, the Practitioner level involves answering questions related to the scenario attached to the exam. However, training AgilePM® Practitioner goes deeper (Digging Deeper) into the methodology and the rules and actions it recommends. In both cases, practitioner-level training lasts two days. 

PRINCE2® training or AgilePM® training

I have not yet mentioned the fundamental difference between both methodologies. Although the certification mechanism is similar, it is both PRINCE2® and AgilePM® are significantly different from each other. The PRINCE2® methodology, in accordance with the idea of its creators, can be used in any project. But its shape is particularly suitable for multi-stage or even multi-stage projects. In turn, the AgilePM® methodology is dedicated to environments where we can use agile product delivery, characterized by: work in short periods of time of fixed length, which gradually bring us closer to the solution. 

Professional Scrum Master training

Both of the above methodologies extensively address action patterns at the project management level and the involvement of business roles. But in small organizations, or when working with individual teams, a more basic solution may be sufficient. Worth considering implementation of an agile procedure based on the simplified framework of Scrum

Our two-day dedicated certificate training Scrum introduces the basics of agile product delivery and the rules contained in the Scrum Guide. It also prepares for the Professional Scrum Master exam.  

Which project management training should I choose?

Choosing the right training for you does not have to be obvious and willing we will help you make a decision. It is worth remembering that each approach to project management offers us structuring work. They all take into account the need for agility, which is so important in today's world, characterized by high dynamics of change. The differences between them are often quite subtle and the choice of appropriate training will depend on your specific needs

Consider whether you need certified training. The certificate, of course, confirms your competences and is helpful in your professional career. However, exam preparation training (PMP®, CAPM®, PRINCE2®, AgilePM®) is strongly focused on meeting the requirements of the syllabus. This leaves less space for consideration of practical challengesyou are facing. In turn, training dedicated to specific areas of knowledge in project management (individual modules of the PMP® Academy) will allow you to develop your practical skills to the maximum. During open training you have a chance to: clash of glances with people from other industries. However, during closed training sessions, you can address specific challenges of your project.

Which project management training should I choose to start with?

There are many ways to set up a training path. Your individual needs are key. If you are just at the very beginning of your professional path as a project manager or member of the project team, it I recommend that you start with certification training in the PRINCE2® or AgilePM® methodology. This will give you a solid foundation, both in terms of the role of the PM and the organizational requirements essential to the success of the project. 

As you gain experience in your next endeavors, I would encourage you to deepen your knowledge based on training dedicated to a specific aream, i.e. PMP® Academy modules, but also Professional Scrum Master training. Depending on whether you are more interested in the role of a project manager or a team member, it will be time for PMP® or CAPM® certification. 

Advanced project management training

And what next? If your adventure with project management takes you further, we have further levels of initiation for you. Welcome to our training for experienced project managers, That is Project Program Management or Portfolio Management Projects. We can also suggest individual training and together go deeper into an area that is particularly important to you (e.g. scheduling, risks, etc.). In this way, we will address specific challenges facing you and your project.


Project Manager, Senior Consultant – Partner

PMP®, PRINCE2®, AgilePM® Accredited Trainer

Still not sure which project management training to choose?

Jeśli zastanawiasz się jakie szkolenie z zarządzania projektami wybrać i która metodyka najlepiej sprawdzi się w Twojej praktyce – skontaktuj się z nami! Nasi eksperci chętnie Ci pomogą, odpowiedzą na pytania i zaproponują szkolenia z zarządzania projektami najbardziej odpowiednie dla Twojej branży.

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